The Adaptation Fund NGO Network
The Adaptation Fund NGO Network is a coalition of civil society organisations (CSOs) engaging in discussions and debates on the Adaptation Fund's policies and closely following the planning and implementation of the Fund's projects. The Network's aim is to support those most vulnerable to climate change and ensure their benefit from the Adaptation Fund. This is why it works on strengthening transparent and participative processes within the Fund. The Network aims to ensure the effective engagement of civil society not only at Fund level, but also at the local level, throughout project planning and implementation. Making the Adaptation Fund work for the most vulnerable communities will strongly rely on the input and engagement of global civil society. >>> more 'About us'

The Adaptation Fund (AF) Civil Society Network invites you to participate in this free online course for civil society organisations (CSOs). The objective of the course is to provide CSOs globally with a better understanding of the AF and its related processes in their countries and regions. The course focuses on a variety of opportunities for CSOs to engage in AF processes at national and international levels. The online course consists of two virtual modules. Participants are expected to dedicate about 10 hours on average to each module.

The Women's Environment & Development Organisation (WEDO) is inviting you to a webinar to explore a new brief, which WEDO will launch that day: Engaging with the Adaptation Fund: First Steps for Women’s Organizations.
Climate finance should flow to women’s organizations, gender-related groups, and feminist organizations working at the intersection of gender equality and climate change. Building on WEDO's work with Prospera, the International Network of Women’s Funds, last year, on engagement across the four primary climate funds, WEDO has been working on a new brief to update the information and opportunities for engaging with the Adaptation Fund.
In addition to presenting these pathways, the webinar will feature the Adaptation Fund's Young Hee Lee, Governance Specialist, and Cristina Dengel, Knowledge Management Officer, to share information on how the Fund works and ways to better understand the Fund, as well as answer your questions.

Cette publication formule un certain nombre de recommandations pour renforcer l'engagement et la participation de la société civile afin d'améliorer la prise de décision du Conseil d´Administration du Fonds d'Adaptation (FA). Les recommandations de ce document s'appuient également sur l'expérience des politiques et pratiques de participation de la société civile d'autres fonds pour le climat afin de garantir que le FA s'inspire des normes internationales les plus élevées tout en reconnaissant qu'il n'existe pas de modèle unique pour tous les fonds pour le climat.

This publication articulates a number of recommendations for further strengthening civil society engagement and participation to enhance decision-making of the Adaptation Fund (AF) Board. The recommendations in this paper also draw on the experiences of civil society participation policies and practices of other climate funds to ensure that the AF is informed by the highest internationally accepted standards, while at the same time acknowledging that there is no one-size-fits-all model for all climate funds. The three main needs identified that are crucial for further strengthening civil society engagement in the AF are: 1. The introduction of active CSO observers; 2. Amendments to the AF's Open Information Policy; and 3. Adequate resourcing of the AF Secretariat to ensure transparency and effective CSO engagement.

The side-event promotes solutions for effectively channelling international adaptation finance to local stakeholders and for ensuring that those most vulnerable benefit from international adaptation finance flows. The event showcases best practice initiatives that effectively channel adaptation finance to the local level.
The event takes place on Friday 6th December 16:45 - 18:15 in room 1 at the COP25 venue in Madrid.
Speakers: Adaptation Fund (AF) Secretariat, CSO representatives from the AF NGO Network, Adelphi, NABARD - AF National Implementing Entity in India.

South Africa’s Community Adaptation Small Grants Facility Project, funded under the Adaptation Fund, is drawing to a close, and has surfaced valuable lessons about implementing “enhanced direct access” mechanisms and making adaptation funding available at the local level. Project participants, including the 12 small grant recipients, met recently at an inter-district learning event to share their experiences.
Newsletter Registration
AF CSO Network internet pages are published by
Adaptation Fund NGO Network
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