Adaptation Fund NGO Network

The Adaptation Fund NGO Network is a coalition of civil society organisations (CSOs) engaging in discussions and debates on the Adaptation Fund's policies and closely following the planning and implementation of the Fund's projects. The Network's aim is to support those most vulnerable to climate change and ensure their benefit from the Adaptation Fund. This is why it works on strengthening transparent and participative processes within the Fund. The Network aims to ensure the effective engagement of civil society not only at Fund level, but also at the local level, throughout project planning and implementation. Making the Adaptation Fund work for the most vulnerable communities will strongly rely on the input and engagement of global civil society.
Because the Fund's projects and programmes are implemented in developing countries, the Network relies particularly on the input and engagement of civil society organisations from the global South. Consequently the Network also aims to actively strengthen the knowledge on the Adaptation Fund of civil society organisations in developing countries. However, the Network is open to all interested stakeholders from global civil society (from developing and developed countries) which can join the Network and become an associate CSO.
The Network has more than 250 associate CSOs mainly from developing countries. Its governing body is composed of 11 core partner organisations representing civil society from Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean.
The Network's main activities include
Drafting joint policy recommendations for consideration by the Adaptation Fund Board
Hosting the "Civil Society Dialogue" during the Fund's Board meetings
Providing feedback on Adaptation Fund project proposals and concept notes
Conducting independent assessments of Adaptation Fund projects under implementation
Engaging with decision-makers on the Adaptation Fund at country level
Strengthening the knowledge on the Adaptation Fund of civil society in the Global South
Sharing Adaptation Fund experiences and lessons learnt with other CSOs
An international climate finance architecture in which the people and communities most vulnerable to climate change benefit from concrete adaptation actions.
AF CSO Network internet pages are published by
Adaptation Fund NGO Network
c/o Germanwatch e.V.
Kaiserstr. 201
D-53113 Bonn, Germany
Email: ngo[@]
Twitter: @AF_NGO_Network
responsible for the content according to german law § 10 Absatz 3 MDStV
About the AF NGO Network