
Cette publication formule un certain nombre de recommandations pour renforcer l'engagement et la participation de la société civile afin d'améliorer la prise de décision du Conseil d´Administration du Fonds d'Adaptation (FA). Les recommandations de ce document s'appuient également sur l'expérience des politiques et pratiques de participation de la société civile d'autres fonds pour le climat afin de garantir que le FA s'inspire des normes internationales les plus élevées tout en reconnaissant qu'il n'existe pas de modèle unique pour tous les fonds pour le climat.

This publication articulates a number of recommendations for further strengthening civil society engagement and participation to enhance decision-making of the Adaptation Fund (AF) Board. The recommendations in this paper also draw on the experiences of civil society participation policies and practices of other climate funds to ensure that the AF is informed by the highest internationally accepted standards, while at the same time acknowledging that there is no one-size-fits-all model for all climate funds. The three main needs identified that are crucial for further strengthening civil society engagement in the AF are: 1. The introduction of active CSO observers; 2. Amendments to the AF's Open Information Policy; and 3. Adequate resourcing of the AF Secretariat to ensure transparency and effective CSO engagement.

In this paper, the Adaptation Fund NGO Network articulates its recommendations and policy suggestions for decisions to be taken at the thirty-third meeting of the Adaptation Fund Board (AFB33). The recommendations in this paper are based on the common position of the core partner organisations of the AF NGO Network. The paper is mainly addressed to the members of the Fund's two Committees (Project and Programme Review Committee and Ethics and Finance Committee), Board members and alternates in general as well as other interested stakeholders.

The challenge of adaptation finance is not only about how much funding is being mobilised, but also how it is used. It is crucial that available finance is used as efficiently and effectively as possible so as to reduce vulnerability and increase climate resilience. The Adaptation Fund, with over 10 years of experience in channelling adaptation finance, has a unique function in the international climate finance architecture and the global response to the impacts of climate change. With its distinct mandate, clear specialisation, and innovative features, the Adaptation Fund can play an important role in improving the quality of adaptation finance.