Side Event
Join our COP25 side event in Madrid: "How to effectively channel adaptation finance to those most vulnerable to climate change?"
Friday, 06 Dec 2019, 16:45—18:15, Room 1

The side-event promotes solutions for effectively channelling international adaptation finance to local stakeholders and for ensuring that those most vulnerable benefit from international adaptation finance flows. The event showcases best practice initiatives that effectively channel adaptation finance to the local level.
The event takes place on Friday 6th December 16:45 - 18:15 in room 1 at the COP25 venue in Madrid.
Speakers: Adaptation Fund (AF) Secretariat, CSO representatives from the AF NGO Network, Adelphi, NABARD - AF National Implementing Entity in India.
Organizers: Indigo Development & Change, Development Alternatives, Adelphi and Germanwatch. With support from ForumCC, Enda Energie and the AF NGO Network.
Side Event