
Germanwatch currently serves as the secretariat to the Adaptation Fund NGO Network. Germanwatch is an independent development and environmental organisation actively promoting North-South equity and the preservation of livelihoods. One of its focus areas is enhancing the international climate finance architecture. Germanwatch thinks that the Adaptation Fund covers an essential niche in the international climate finance landscape and has thus been following the Fund since its inception. They have been attending all Board meetings since the Fund's governing body first convened in 2008 and actively engaged in discussions on the Fund's policies. Germany being the biggest contributor to the Fund and assuming a key role in the Fund's governing body reaffirms the motivation of Germanwatch to closely follow the Fund's operations and impact. As CSO observer to the Adaptation Fund, Germanwatch voices the interests of the most vulnerable to climate change. It also facilitates and promotes the active engagement of CSOs from the Global South to ensure that the Fund lives up to its mandate. This is why, in 2011, Germanwatch jointly with other CSOs from the Global South initiated the Adaptation Fund NGO Network.
Main contact:
Julia Grimm
Policy Advisor - Climate Finance
Germanwatch e.V.
AF CSO Network internet pages are published by
Adaptation Fund NGO Network
c/o Germanwatch e.V.
Kaiserstr. 201
D-53113 Bonn, Germany
Email: ngo[@]
Twitter: @AF_NGO_Network
responsible for the content according to german law § 10 Absatz 3 MDStV