Briefing on the 30th Meeting of the Adaptation Fund Board

During the 23rd session of the Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP23) in November 2017, the Adaptation Fund (AF) will be celebrating its 10th anniversary. The Fund will use the opportunity to showcase its adaptation projects, concrete results around the globe and gathered learning through an exhibition with the theme “10 Years of Pioneering Innovations in Adaptation Finance, Concrete Actions and Fostering Learning and Sharing”. There are numerous reasons to commemorate what the AF has achieved over the years; especially its capacity to help vulnerable communities in devel-oping countries adapt to the effects of climate change. By pioneering innovations in climate finance, and by accompanying concrete and scalable actions, the Fund has played and con-tinues to play an outstanding role in the urgent fight to tackle climate change. Ten years later, the AF made history with “key accomplishments“ and has significantly contributed to raise ambition in the growing demand in climate finance, including supporting implementing partners worldwide under its pioneering Direct Access modality.
At their 30th meeting, members of the Adaptation Fund Board aim to discuss objectives and further steps of the Fund, with the outlook of exploring potential linkages between the AF and the Green Climate Fund (GCF). They will consider a draft Medium-Term Strategy of the Fund for 2018–2022 elaborated with inputs from various stakeholders, including civil society. Besides several other items on the meeting agenda, the Board will make decisions on fund-ing allocation to the record number of 23 single-country proposals submitted by Accredited Entities to the AF Secretariat, with the total requested funding amounting to USD 97,576,337, including USD 42,508,247 for 13 concept notes and USD 55,068,090 for 10 fully developed proposals.