AFN calls for more transparency in project performance

Missing of Project Performance Reports as of 29th of October 2016
Project Performance Reports (PPRs) contain a wealth of knowledge about the implementation of projects funded by the Adaptation Fund (AF). To ensure civil society's engagement in the project implementation process, it is vital that these reports are consistently uploaded on the Fund’s website.
PPRs are annual reports that are completed by the National Implementing Entity (NIE) as part of the Adaptation Fund’s reporting requirements. They entail information on finance, procurement, risk assessment, implementation rating, project/programme indicators, the AF Results Framework Tracker and lessons learned. The submission of PPRs is linked to the disbursement schedule, meaning that another trench of money only gets transferred if the PPRs are cleared for funding by the Secretariat and the Board.
The Adaptation Fund Board decided that all PPRs should be uploaded on the website in the interest of transparency. However, an analysis by the Adaptation Fund NGO Network showed that - as of October 2016 - in 83% of all AF projects in which one or more PPRs were due at least one PPR was missing.
The publication of the PPRs on the internet is very important because of two main reasons: Firstly, the availability of information in the PPRs is crucial for the civil society's engagement in the implementation of AF projects. Civil society participation is vital for successful project implementation because it offers unique insights. Their connections with the beneficiaries of the project as well as responsible government officials enable them to give invaluable feedback on the implementation process and possible risks to it. Civil society thus can greatly contribute to ensuring that a timely implemented project benefits the people on the ground and serves the objectives of the Adaptation Fund. Secondly, making the reports publicly available would benefit the wider climate change adaptation community. Other actors would learn from the experiences of the AF projects and as result adaptation policies all over the globe could be enhanced.
To conclude, consistently uploading all PPRs on the website is not only important to create an inclusive and participatory environment around the Adaptation Fund but is greatly in its own interest. This is why making the reports accessible for the public should be a high priority.
The AFN will in future closely monitor the public accessibility of PPRs.